1984 Australian Nationals

April 20, 21, 22 and 23
Lords Arena, Perth

From the official programme:

"These Championships are the third annual titles and the first under the newly formed National Indoor Cricket Association. This Association can only serve to strengthen Indoor Cricket as a sport and I.C.A.'s claim as the leaders in the Indoor Cricket code.

The company has come a long way from its humble beginning in 1979 to the present day, boasting 46 centres throughout Australia.

The future could not be brighter with international expansion underway.

Competition has started in New Zealand and with I.C.A. (International) Pty. Ltd. currently in South Africa and England, an International Test Series is not far away.

Without fear of contradiction the company's achievements would not have been possible without the support of YOU, the players and our most generous sponsors. The faith our sponsors have shown in the development of Indoor Cricket has enabled these Championships to be staged each year and on behalf of ICA, I congratulate and thank them.

Finally, the directors, management and staff wish all teams competing the very best of luck and an enjoyable stay in the West, and trust that all visitors and spectators enjoy ICA's premier event of the year.

State Manager (Championship Co-ordination)"

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